Monday 6 July 2015

Going Guerrilla and Creating a Wildflower Field.

Sunday 5th July 2015: Wildflower Field, Dalrymple

First off, thanks to Robert B for supplying seeds for this venture and to David and Margaret for the various wildflower plants. A huge thank you to my long suffering husband Robert who spent the time and energy this evening strimming around the trees and clearing a few paths. The plan is to clear the long grass round the base of the trees and plant various wildflowers, at the same time cut pathways to make a kind of maze to make it a bit more interesting and fun for the kids to run about and explore.

This was the 'waste' ground at the top of Morton Drive before the work commenced on the project. The grass had been left to take over.


Robert cleared  the grass from around the base of the trees and created some paths. I planted up with some Californian Poppy, Cornflower and Viper Bugloss. Can't wait to see them in bloom and attracting bees and butterflys.

For some background to the project 

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